Entrepreneur self-care: re-evaluating your business

Taking care of ourselves as small business owners is an important part of being successful in our business. Think about it: if you get burned out and can’t function at your best, your business will suffer. That leads to more stress! 

In last month’s blog, I shared about the emotional toll of being an entrepreneur. Today, I want to share tips for what you can do in your business that will promote better self-care. 

Examine your client load

Think about who you want (and don’t want) as a customer. Narrow down your client base to the clients that you want to work with and determine who would be better served by working with someone else. I would suggest having other providers you can recommend who can better serve the clients you decide to remove from your workload. 

Nobody likes to think about letting a client go, but businesses and clients grow and change. What worked for you and the client a few years ago might not be the best arrangement now. Plus, letting go of some clients frees up your time to accept other clients that fit in better with your business's mission.

Contract out services  

As entrepreneurs, especially in a startup, it’s easy to feel like we have to do everything in our business ourselves but that’s a quick path to burnout. You must start thinking of your business as just that, a business, and not an extension of yourself. Contracting out accounting, marketing, and other tasks will lighten your load and let you focus on what you do best. You can also hire employees to manage these functions or to help run the business. Employees can be trained to replicate your efforts, thus allowing you to go on vacation or expand. 

Review your working space arrangement 

Is where you work still the best for you? Do you work from home with dedicated office space? Or perhaps you are paying for office space when it would save you time, money, and stress to set up a home office. Another thing to consider is if your current space simply needs to be altered to make you more productive or spruced up to create a more appealing work environment. Sometimes, just a good deep cleaning of any space will help clear your mind so you can focus on your work. 

Let me help

This pandemic has forced a pause that gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate our life and our business. I would love to take some stress off your hands by managing your bookkeeping. Let me do what I love to do so you can take better care of yourself and have time to do the things you want to do. 


Featuring: Freedom5One


The emotional side of being a small business owner